Broccoli Sprout Seeds
If you are looking for a super health food, then look no further than broccoli sprouts. You have probably heard of the wonderful health benefits of broccoli, but did you know that three-day-old broccoli sprouts contain much higher concentrations of compounds like sulforaphane, glucosinolate and isothiocyanate?
Broccoli sprouts are a good source of vitamins C, K, A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate and E. Broccoli sprouts also contains the minerals manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. In addition, this nutrient powerhouse can supply the body with Omega-3 fatty acids and fibre.
We also provide a sprouting advice service which is available to get you from A to Sprout… Just contact us at sproutmaster@healthforce.com.au with your questions and successes.
For more information on the many health benefits of broccoli sprouts, view our article here.
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